해외 모델러들에게 Year of the Panther로 평가 돼고 있는 호밀밭
1/35 German Sd.Kfz.171 Panther Ausf.G Early,Late w/ Workable Tracks
Panther G형 초기 및 후기형 선택조립 가능(2 in1)
Metal Cable
포신 먼지방지용 방수포
헤드라이트 두 종류
3종류의 후방 Stowage Box
3종류 대공 큐폴라 제작 가능
4개의 배기파이프
두 종류 기관총 및 구조물
전투중 손상 재현용 Wheel 4개
PE Parts및 Clear Parts
Workable Tracks 포함
Workable Tortion Bars
궤도장착 겨울용 Ice cleat 및 탈착 부품포함
1945년 4월 이후 장착된 Steel wheel set
3종류의 도색 Drawing
예술성을 강조한 Boxart
*Rye Field Model은 Panther Tank 제작을 위해 수많은 자료를 검토 및 참고후
제작하는데 약 2년이 소요.
On the third anniversary of Rye Field’s founding, we are very excited to recommend this product which represents our the highest design level---Clear limited-edition Panther Ausf.G to all of modellers.
After 18-month of analysis and verification of large amount of real tank information, and fully understanding of the structural principle of the Panther tank, our design team accurately restored the real structure and details of the Panther tank with a rigorous design ideas. In order to maximally display and appreciate the fine interior structure of the Panther tank, we specially release this transparent limited edition. We hope this Panther model kit which carries our the highest enthusiasm can lead to a great start for the beginning of the new year.
Thank you all for your support!

영국 Bovinton Tank Museum에 전시된 Panther전차

참고 자료로 본 German Panzer Ace
German Panther Tank Ace Ernst Barkmann(1919.8.25-2009.6.27)
Panther전차장으로 가장 유명한 Barkmann은 1944년 7월 노르만디에서 큰규모의 미군전차 부대의 전진을 모퉁이에서 은폐하고 있다 성공적으로 저지함으로서 철십자 기사훈장을 수여 받아 미군들로 부터 "바르크만의 모퉁이"란 별칭을 얻은 Panther Ace. 종전후 조용히 평온한 삶을 영위했다고 함.
Ernst Barkmann
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ernst Barkmann (later Ernst Schmuck-Barkmann) (25 August 1919 – 27 June 2009) was a German tank commander in the Waffen-SS of Nazi Germany during World War II. He is known for the actions undertaken at “Barkmann’s corner,” in which it was claimed he halted a major U.S. Army armoured advance in Normandy on 27 July 1944, for which action he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
SS career[edit]
Barkmann joined a unit of the SS-Verfügungstruppe in 1939, and served during the occupation of Poland. He was posted for a time as an instructor of SS volunteers in the Netherlands. In winter 1942/43 he was posted to the SS Division Das Reich on the Eastern Front, with which he took part in the Third Battle of Kharkov.
In February 1944, Das Reich was ordered to France to form a part of the 5th Panzer Army, the armoured reserve for the expected Allied invasion. Following Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of June 1944, the division reached the front in early July and fought against the American forces near Saint-Lô. Barkmann was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Barkmann participated in the Ardennes Offensive in December 1944 and the fighting on the Eastern Front in the spring of 1945.
Disputed actions[edit]
Barkmann's reputed actions in Normandy were challenged by the military historian Steven Zaloga in his 2015 work Armored Champion: The Top Tanks of World War II. He analysed the Allied war records, and was unable to locate the losses claimed by Barkmann. He attributed the narrative of Barkmann's corner to the "propaganda efforts of the Waffen-SS".
See also[edit]

Barkmann 과 동료들(왼쪽 네 번째)]

노년의 Barkmann

자료출처:Google & Cranston Fine Art
Ref.:World of Tank
German Tank Aces
Contributors; Ron Klages, David C. Clarke, Erich Brown, Steve Eckardt, John S.
1.Kurt Knispel –168 Kills (sPzAbt. 503) 2.Otto Carius – 150+ Kills (sPzAbt. 502)–Tiger I--Knight's Cross 5/4/44, Oak Leaves 7/27/44. 3.Johannes (Hans) Bolter-- 139 Kills (possibly 144) (sPzAbt. 502) Tigers– Knight's Cross 4/16/44, Oak Leaves 9/10/44. 4.Michael Wittman – 138 Kills (sS.S.PzAbt. 101 Liebstandarte)–Tiger I–Knight's Cross 1/14/44, Oak Leaves 1/14/44 with Swords, 6/25/44. 5.Hans Sandrock – 123 Kills (assorted AFV last unit HJ ) 6.Paul Egger – 113 Kills (s SS Pz. Abt. 102)–Tigers– Knight's cross 4/28/45 7.Fritz Lang– 113 Kills (StuG. Abt. 232) 8.Arno Giesen – 111 Kills (Das Reich) 9.Oberfahnrich Rondorf—106 kills (sPzAbt. 503)–Tigers 10.Feldwebel Gaetner ( Gartner?)– 103 Kills (sPzAbt. 503)–Tigers 11.Karl Koener – 100+ Kills (sS.S.PzAbt. 503)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 4/29/44. 12.Albert Kerscher – 100+ Kills (sPzAbt. 502)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 10/23/44. 13.Balthazar (Bobby) Woll–100+ Kills, 81 as Gunner (sSS Pz. Abt. 101)–Knight's Cross–1/16/44. 14.Helmut Wendorff—84 Kills (sS.S.Pz Abt.101)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 2/12/44. 15.Ernst Barkmann—82+ Kills (Das Reich)—Panther–Knight's Cross 8/27/44. 16.Eric Litztke—76 Kills (sPzAbt. 509)--Tigers– Knight's Cross 10/20/44 17.Hermann Bix – 75+ Kills (4th Panzer Division)–Knight's Cross 3/22/45. 18.Hans Strippel – 70 Kills (4. / II/ PzAbt. 1, 1st Pz. Division)–Pz. IV–Knight's Cross 6/4/44. 19.Emil Seibold – 69 Kills (Das Reich)–Pz IV+ Captured T-34s 20.Wilhelm Knauth—68 Kills (sPzAbt. 505)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 11/14/43. 21.Hugo Primozic– 68 Kills (StuG Abt. 667)–Knight's Cross 9/25/42, Oak Leaves 1/25/43. 22.Karl Bromann – 66 Kills (sS.S.PzAbt. 503)–Tigers. 23.Josef William (Sepp) Brandner – 61 Kills (StuG Brigade 912)–Knight's Cross 1/17/45, Oak Leaves 4/30/45. 24.Hans-Bobo von Rohr – 58 Kills (25 Pz. Abt., 7th Pz. Division)–Knight's Cross 11/15/44, Oak leaves 4/8/45 (Posthumously). 25.Karl Heinz Warmbrunn-- 57 Kills, 44 as gunner (s SS Pz. Abt. 101)–Tigers 26.Albert Ernst–55 Kills–(s.Pz. Jgr. Abt. 519)--Nashorn–Knight's Cross–2/7/44. 27.Richard Engelmann—54 Kills (StuG Abt. 912)–Knight's Cross 7/22/44. 28.Heinz Kling–51 Kills (s SS Pz. Abt. 101)--Tigers. 29.Johann Muller–50 Kills ((sPz. Abt. 502)--Tigers–Knight's Cross 10/23/44. 30.Josef Dallmeier—50 Kills (Fhr. PzJager Kp.1183)–Hetzer–Knight's Cross 4/3/45(?). 31.Walter Feibig—50+ Kills (StuG Brigade 301) 32.Heinz Kramer – 50+ Kills (sPzAbt. 502)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 10/6/44. 33.Alfredo Carpaneto – 50+ Kills (sPzAbt. 502)–Tigers–Knight's Cross 3/28/45. 34.Oberleutnant Mausberg – 50+ Kills (s.Pz. Abt. 505)–Tigers. 35.Wolfgang Hans Heimer Paul von Bostell–48 Kills–( Pz. Jgr. Kp. 1023, Pz. Jgr. Abt. 205)–Knight's Cross 9/2/44, Oak Leaves 4/30/45. 36.Jurgen Brandt—47 Kills (sS.S.Abt. 101)–Tigers. 37.Heinz Deutsch – 44 Kills (Fsch. StuG Brigade 12) Knight's Cross 4/28/45. 38.Fritz Amling—42+ Kills (in 48 Hrs. with StuG Brigade 202) Knight's Cross 12/5/42. 39.Heinz Scharf—40+ Kills (StuG Brigade 202) Knight's Cross 9/5/44. 40.Walter Oberloskamp – 40+ Kills (StuG Brigade 667) Knight's Cross 5/15/43. 41.Fredrich Tadje—39 Kills (StuG Abt. 190) Knight's Cross 10/24/42. 42.Rudolf Roy—36 Kills (12 S.S. PanzerJager Abt. HJ)–JP IV–Knight's Cross 10/16/44. 43.Gottwald Stier—30+ Kills (StuG Brigade 667) Knight's Cross (date unknown). 44.Josef Trager – 30+ Kills (StuG Brigade 667) Knight's Cross (date unknown). 45.Richard Schram—30 Kills (StuG Brigade 202) Knight's Cross 12/12/42. 46.Karl Pfreundtner—30 Kills (StuG Abt. 244) Knight's Cross 9/18/42. 47.Karl Heinrich Banze – 24 Kills (13 on one day StuG Abt. 244) Knight's Cross 5/27/42. 48.Felix Adamowitsch –23 Kills (in an 8 day period, StuG Abt. 244) Knight's Cross 10/20/44. 49.Eugen Metzger—23 Kills (StuG Abt. 203) Knight's Cross 9/29/41. 50.Hauptmann Rade –23 Kills (StuG Abt. 244) 51.Heinrich Teriete – 22 Kills (in one engagement, sPzJgAbt. 653) Knight's Cross 7/22/43. 52.Franz Staudegger—22+ Kills (sS.S.Pz Abt. 101) Knight's Cross 7/10/43. 53.Franz Kretshmer – 21 Kills (sPzJgAbt. 653) Knight's Cross 12/17/43 54.Horst Naumann—21 Kills (StuG Abt. 184) Knight's Cross 1/4/43 55.Klaus Wagner – 18 Kills (in two days, StuG Abt. 667) 56.Hermann Feldheim—16 Kills (sPzJgAbt. 654) 57.Heinrich Engel –15 Kills (StuG Abt. 259) Knight's Cross 11/7/43 58. Rudolf von Ribbentrop– 14 Kills (LSSAH+ HJ) Knight's Cross 7/20/43. 59. Wachtmeister Moj–12 Kills (StuG Abt. 190) 60. Siegfried Freyer– 11 Kills in one engagement (Pz. Abt. 24) Knight's Cross 7/23/43. 61. Alfred Reginitor–10 Kills (StuG Abt. 279) Knight's Cross (date unknown).