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Full interior 1/35 German A7V Tank (Krupp) &Resin Engine Limited Edition
제조회사 : Meng Model
소비자가 : 117,000
판매가격 : 81,900원
수량 EA
배송 지역: 국내, 해외 배송 가능


1/35 German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine

Product News

Limited Time Reissue of the Moving Fortress

When the Germans still relied on their machine guns and cannons, they were given a heavy blow by the British Mark I tanks in the Battle of Somme during WWI. After that, Germany started development of its own tanks. After several setbacks, German’s first tank, the A7V, was put into service in early 1918.


The MENG TS-017s German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine kit released in 2015 was quite popular among modelers. Seven years later, this model kit will be reissued for a limited time. The assembled model will be 229mm long and 100mm wide. It includes precision A7V resin engine parts. 



The huge Moving Fortress, A7V tank, is realistically reproduced. The unique Krupp riveted hull is perfectly replicated.




The resin engine has accurate details.

5.jpgThe observation ports can be built open or closed.

3.jpgAll hatches can be built open or closed. When it’s open, the internal structure is visible.

4.jpgThe driver’s compartment and fighting compartment interiors are included.

TS-017s German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine

Scale: 1/35

Available in: December 2022

Want to build a German A7V tank with engine inside? This limited time reissue will be your perfect choice.


*프라모델 및 프라모델관련 Detail-Up 엑세사리는 조립과 도색이 필요한 제품들로서 만 14세 이상의 소비자를 대상으로 판매합니다.
*택배사는 로젠택배 또는 우체국택배를 사용하여 배송하며.주문금액이 30만원 이상일 경우 무료배송이며,30만원 미만일 경우 배송비가 3500원 추가 됩니다.
*결제가 완료된 주문은 2-7일 이내 배송됩니다.
*예약상품과 같이 주문한 제품들은 예약상품 입하후 함께 배송됩니다.
*제품의 교환과 환불은 제품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내에 가능합니다.
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고객평가 : 평점 ★★★★★  
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