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운전석 포가부분 포함 내부 인테리어 재현(엔진제외)
PE Parts포함
운전석의 문과 창은 개폐 선택 가능
가동 캐타필라포함
The Panzer Empire’s Moving Fortress
전차 제국의 움직이는 숲
솜전투에서 독일 육군이 아직도 기관총과 포에 의존 할 때 영국군은 신형 무기인 Mark I 전차들로 공격하여 이로인해 독일군은 큰 타격을 입었음,이 전투후 독일은 독일군 스스로의 전차 계발에 착수하여,몇번의 실패 끝에 1918년 부터 독일군 최초의 A7V 전차들을 전장에 투입 할 수 있었음.
현대 전차들과 달리 멀리서 관측 하였을 때 사각형 모양의 이 전차는 마치 움직이는 숲 같이 보였다함.평상시 16-18명의 탑승 승무원들은 최대 26명 까지 탑승한 A7V전차는 세계에서 가장 많은 인원이 탑승한 전차였음.
A7V는 성능을 향상시킨 Holt Tractor 자체에 수냉식 다임러 4실린더 100마력 가솔린 엔진을 탑재 하였으며,무장으로는 57mm 맥심-노덴펠트 포와 6문의 멕심 MG-08 7.92mm 중기관 총을 장착 하였다.초기형 AV7들은 Krupp 와 Rochling 사가 제작.전쟁 막바지에 투입되어 큰 활약을 펼치지 못하였음에도 불구하고 A7V전차는 독일군 최초의 전차로서 향후 부상하는 전차제국의 확고한 기반을 제공하는데 의의를 가진 독일군 최초의 전차임.
When German Army still depended on their machine guns and cannons, they were given a heavy blow by the British Mark I tanks in the Battle of Somme. After that, Germany started development of its own tanks. After several setbacks, Germany's first tank, the A7V tank, was put into service in early 1918. The square-shaped tank was like a moving fortress when seen distantly and was greatly different from later tanks. Although normally the crew was 16 to 18 men, sometimes up to 26 were carried. Thus, A7V became the tank that carried the most men in the world. It adopted an improved Holt tractor chassis, and two 100hp Daimler 4-cylinder water-cooled petrol engines. Its armament was a 57mm Maxim-Nordenfelt QF gun and six Maxim MG-08 7.92mm heavy machine guns. The early A7Vs were produced by Krupp Corp and Rochling Group. As the A7V side armor plates made by Krupp Corp were slightly deformed and Germany was in short of resources during the wartime, these plates were cut into five parts and then built together. Therefore, these early side armor plates made by Krupp Corp were not standard one-piece ones. MENG now releases a new model kit which replicates the A7V tank made by made by Krupp Corp. This TS-017 1/35 scale German A7V Tank (Krupp) plastic model is 229mm long and 100mm wide. The model perfectly replicates the fighting compartment and driver’s compartment; workable track links are provided; all hatches and viewing ports can be built open or closed; precision PE parts are included. Only a limited number of A7V tanks were built and sent to battlefields at the late stage of WWI, and they didn’t help Germany reverse the results. However, as Germany’s first tank, A7V tank set a solid foundation for the rising panzer empire. At present, the only surviving A7V (506) is kept in the Queensland Museum, Australia. Another A7V (563) replicated by Germany is preserved in the Deutsches Panzermuseum. Nevertheless, they are not the version produced by Krupp Corp. What a pity! Luckily, MENG now presents this A7V tank (Krupp) model kit, and modelers can build this moving fortress.
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